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How To Access Blocked Websites? 6 Easy Ways

If you also feel stifled by the blocked websites then here are some ways to access blocked websites:

1. Become Anonymous: Use Proxy Websites

A proxy website becomes a moderator between the user and server site. The proxy website camouflages the blocked site from the ISPs and allows you to access blocked websites. To get a proxy website for any blocked site, just perform the Google search.
Eg: Facebook Proxy Server. In case, Facebook is blocked in your institution, or you can go to and more…

2. Use VPN

VPN or Virtual Proxy Network allows you to connect your device to a secure connection to another network over the internet. VPN enables you to access blocked websites from your home network and puts your IP address in a land far away. You can also download the apps or open the sites blocked in your country.

3. Use IP Rather Than URL

The blocked website sometimes are stored as a list of URLs and using IP of the website might work in few of the cases. To get the IP address for any website, you do a ping command in Command Prompt.
Using IP is a simple way to access blocked websites in your region. However, if the website had hidden its IP too, then it won’t open with this method.

4. Change Network Proxy In Browsers

Your college or institute might be having more than one proxy for its network. So, it happens that some websites are restricted on one proxy, but accessible in another. So, you can give a try to proxy surfing to access blocked websites in your college.
Change the advanced settings of your Firefox browser and select the Manual Proxy. Put the bypass proxy under HTTP proxy.

5. Use Google Translate

Institutes or even countries sometimes don’t ban Google Translate. So, you can bypass the restriction by converting the blocked website into some other language that you may know. Try Google Translate and see for yourself. It is yet another simple way to access blocked websites.

6. Bypass via Extensions

If the websites that are blocked by your institute or office are dynamic in nature such as Facebook or YouTube, then should give a try to these extensions. Hola and ProxMate are some extensions that you can use to access blocked websites.
These are some of the most effective and easy to use methods to circumvent the censorship that has been put on your favorite websites. Let us know which one do you prefer to access blocked websites in your region.


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